Maths for early years
Matching and Sorting EYFS
Matching and Sorting Reception Maths planning ( One weeks planning)
Introducing patterns EYFS Reception Autumn 1
Introducing children in Reception to patterns and exploring different kinds of patterns e.g. AB, ABC patterns.
All about the number 3
Children learn all about the number 3; understand what number 3 is; reprsesent the number 3; recognise the number 3 and write the numeral 3.
Comparing groups of objects EYFS Reception
Autumn 1 planning- Maths weekly plan that looks at comparing groups of objects using the language of comparison more than, fewer than and equal to.
All about the number 2
Introducing children to the number 2, understanding what number 2 is; representing 2; writing the numeral 2 and understanding that 2 is a pair.
Christmas tree subitising
Warm up maths brains by subitising baubles on the Christmas trees
All about the number 4!
Weeks planning all about the number 4!